Not dead yet (cont.)

Medill_logoAs I noted a month ago, this fall’s Interactive Innovation Project at Medill is an exploration of the state of the American obituary, and the eight graduate students with whom Rich Gordon and I are working are posting regularly on a blog at  There, I have recently learned

quite a bit more, including obituary practices at newspapers of different sizes.  And the class also has linked, each Friday, to a handful of interesting examples of obituaries and online memorials that run the gamut and then keep running.

The class’s final presentation isn’t till Dec. 10, so there is still lots more to learn.  Till then, I commend the site to your ongoing interest.

About Owen Youngman

Professor Emeritus of Journalism and formerly Knight Chair in Digital Media Strategy, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University. Formerly senior vice president/strategy and development and director of interactive media, Chicago Tribune.