O tempora o mores!

This from Scott Anderson in my inbox this morning:

Tribune Alumni Network on LinkedIn hit a milestone this morning, adding its 1,000th member. We were barely over 300 when I started as co-administrator mid-year last year. Our 1,000th? Longtime Tribune Interactive and Sun-Sentinel colleague Tom Davidson.

Getting a note from Tom yesterday was one thing.  Getting this one from Scott was quite another.  I mean, we can all do the math, but occasionally there is a stark reminder of the perilous, parlous predicament in which we media people find ourselves.  No prescriptions or platitudes from here today, just a couple more time-honored phrases that pop immediately to mind.

From Cicero to Tennyson, then:  Our strength is as the strength of ten, because our hearts are pure.

And then to Dickens, from Sir Galahad to Tiny Tim:  God bless us, every one.

LinkedIn: Discussion: Tribune Alumni Network (TAN).

UPDATE:  Scott Anderson has now launched a Tribune Alumni site that links to the Web sites of ex-TRB employees:  TribuneAlumni.com.  If you have a blog and want to be linked to, there is a form on the site.

About Owen Youngman

Professor Emeritus of Journalism and formerly Knight Chair in Digital Media Strategy, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University. Formerly senior vice president/strategy and development and director of interactive media, Chicago Tribune.